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  • Writer's pictureBailey Gittler

What I wish I would have known

Updated: Dec 17, 2019

1. Packing / What kind of linens did you need to bring?

You don’t really need any linens because they are all provided. For the fall trip I would not bother really bringing any summer outfits unless you plan to go down to the Mediterranean. I was lucky enough that my parents came over during my fall break and they brought me more winter clothes and took home all of my summer clothes that I thought I would need for the first couple of weeks.

2. Packing / What are you glad you brought from home?

I was glad I brought some money over but I wish I would have brought more. I would recommend anyone coming to bring cash over both Czech and Euros especially if your card will have a fee for pulling out money. Having cash here is just so much easier. There are restaurants who are not willing to split the bill so if everyone has cash it is quite easy to just put in what you owe. Also for the fall semester there will be Christmas markets everywhere you go and you will need cash for that! I am also glad I brought a portable charger and travel adapters which you will need to get to plug your devices in.

3. Packing / What do you wish you had left at home?

I brought a towel with me which took up a lot of space and I could easily have bought a really cheap one here in Olomouc at Globus. I could have saved myself some space and weight in my suitcase without it. I also brought my small hair dryer and straightener which I really did not use that often.

4. Packing / Travel Tips?

Do you have any travel tips to pass on (planning advice, safety considerations, guidebooks, train vs. bus, etc.)?

I am willing to talk to anyone who is studying abroad and talk to them about different places they should go! You don’t necessarily have to have the whole trip planned but just some ideas in mind is a good plan. I would also make sure to have apps such as Uber, Venmo, Hostelworld, and others downloaded before you come to Europe. Some of these can only be downloaded in the United States. A lot of the public transport is easier to just figure out as you go as far as trains and buses go. My biggest piece of advice would be to not be afraid to ask people for help if you’re stuck! Many people speak English so odds are you’ll be able to find someone to help out. For the most part, people are super willing to help and are nice!

5. Social Life / How did you meet other students?

It is pretty easy to meet other students here! We live in the international dorms, so you will be living very close to students from all over the world. Certain places around town will also hold Erasmus parties. These are basically parties and get togethers of all the international students at Palacky University. That is another good way to meet people.

5. Social Life / How did you like to spend your free time and why?

If we are not on a weekend field trip I would spend a lot of my time in a cafe. Specifically Cross Cafe it is the best. Other things that Olomouc has to offer includes: A bowling ally, movie theater, zoo, laser tag, paint balling, and a scenic view called Holy Hill. It is a hill on one end of Olomouc that shows you a view of the whole city. Being up there at sunset is absolutely stunning.

6. Social Life / Is there anything you regret not doing more of in your free time?

I wish I would have gone to Prague more often. The train tickets between Prague and Olomouc are around $3. Sometimes you can even get them for less. The ride is only 2 hours and Prague has so many things to see and do! Other than that I am a very social person and was constantly doing something throughout the day.

7. Social Life / What social, recreational and cultural events did you like best?

I really enjoyed the pub culture here and getting to experience that. Tereza (who is one of our coordinators) owns a pub in Olomouc called the Citadela and it was really nice to get the group their for either some beer or for wine tastings. We also had Thanksgiving here!

8. Social Life / Any advice for future students regarding their non-academic life while abroad?

I would say to try and travel as much as you can! It is so easy to find places to go both close and far. Get the apps RegioJet, Hopper, and Omio when you are here. These are excellent apps when finding transportation for travelling!

9. Academics / How do academics differ between UNK and the host instituion?

Academics here are definitely more lecture based than my classes at UNK. Most of the lectures are very interesting though so I don’t mind just sitting and listening, but it is a change. The Czech language class is more hands-on and we go out and do things in the community to practice!

10. Academics / Was grading different?

Yes Explanation: With the grading here, you find out at the end of the program what your grade will be. We don’t have grades along the way, but rather just find out at the end after we have completed everything.

11. Academics / Were your study habits different?

Yes Explanation: The studying here is not as prevalent as at UNK. The learning here is more experiential learning, so there are less dates and people to memorize. We focus more on connecting ideas and doing critical thinking about what we are learning.

12. Academics / Was the library different?

Yes Explanation: I honestly never used the library here in Olomouc so I don’t even know if the library is different.

13. Academics / Was computer access the same?

No Explanation: I again did not need to access a computer as I brought my own laptop so I’m not sure.

14. Academics / What enabled/hindered your success?

The professors here are all very knowledgeable and willing to answer any questions you have! Jan and Martin are also very helpful and seem to be able to help clear most things up for us.\

15. Money / How much money would you advise students to bring?

I would recommend students bring at least $3000 for expenses while you are here. There are definitely things you can do to make your travels less expensive, but it still adds up over time. Food is cheap here but you still end up buying and eating out a lot when travelling. Globus is a great place for groceries that can help you save some money!

16. Money / How much host country currency did you take with you from the U.S.?

I did not bring any host country currency with me. It is super easy to exchange money at an exchange office or pull money out of an ATM once you arrive here.

17. Money / How did you mange your money (credit cards, bank accounts, cash)?

I make sure to check my bank account often and make sure that there aren’t any weird charges on it. I also try to use mainly cash because first of all, some places only take cash and second it’s easier to keep track of how much you are spending. I try not to carry all of my cash on me all the time though. I leave some in the dorms just to have it split up a little bit. I do the same with my cards and keep one in the dorms just in case I were to lose one or something. It is also important to budget once you get here and get a feel for how much things cost. It can be really easy to lose track of money and then end up with not a lot left.

18. Communication / How did you communicate with the U.S.?

The dorms have WiFi as well as most of the places you’ll probably be staying. Because of that, it makes it pretty easy to communicate with the US. Whether that be by I Message, Face Time, Facebook messenger, etc. Most of us also got SIM cards once we got here. I try to mainly use the data on it for navigation and emergencies but if you are without WiFi for a while for whatever reason, you can use your data to send a quick message home as well.

19. Top things to do:

Get to know the people in your dorm. Making new friends has been my favorite thing about Europe. Eat kebabs in Olomouc and Try as many new restaurants as you can! Trying new food has been another one of my favorite things.Go to the Holy Hill on a nice day! Check out the trail down the hill from the church and walk down it! There’s sheep!Hop on a train to Prague for a day! The tickets are cheap, and it can be fun to spend a day in the city.Find your own favorite things to do. Some of the most fun things are the ones you stumble upon without meaning to.

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